Jujube (Chinese Red Date): What is it, Nutrition, benefits and uses

Jujube (Dátile rojo chino) : Qué es, Nutrición, beneficios y usos

This article gives you everything you need to know about the jujube fruit, including its nutrition, benefits, and uses.

  • What is?
  • jujube nutrition
  • profit
  • Possible disadvantages
  • Consumption
  • To buy

  • What is?

    The jujube fruit, also known as the Chinese red date, is native to South Asia but has become popular all over the world.

    These small round fruits with a pit containing seeds grow on large flowering bushes or trees (Ziziphus jujube ). When ripe, they are deep red or purple in color and may appear slightly wrinkled.

    Due to their sweet flavor and chewy texture, they are often dried and used in candies and/or desserts in parts of Asia where they commonly grow.

    In alternative medicine, they are widely used to improve sleep and decrease anxiety.

    The nutrient-rich fruit and seeds of the jujube plant are used in supplement form, both alone and in combination with other natural therapeutic ingredients.

    jujube nutrition

    The jujube fruit is low in calories but rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

    A 100-gram serving of raw jujube , or about 3 fruits, provides (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source):

    • Calories: 79
    • Protein: 1 gram
    • Fat: 0 grams
    • Carbohydrates: 20 grams
    • Fiber: 10 grams
    • Vitamin C: 77% of the Daily Value (DV)
    • Potassium: 5% of the DV

    Due to their high fiber content and low calorie count, jujubes are a great and healthy snack.

    They contain small amounts of various vitamins and minerals, but are particularly rich in vitamin C, an important vitamin with antioxidant and immune-boosting properties.

    They also contain a good amount of potassium, which plays a vital role in muscle control and electrolyte balance.

    Also, jujube fruits contain carbohydrates in the form of natural sugars, which provide your body with energy.

    However, dried jujubes , which are most commonly consumed and used for cooking in many parts of the world, are much higher in sugar and calories than fresh fruit, since during drying the sugars in the fruit become concentrated and additional sugar may be added during processing.


    Jujube fruits are low in calories and high in fiber. They also offer several vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C and potassium.


    To sleep . I often recommend jujube as a supplement for my patients with insomnia or other sleep problems. I find jujube especially effective for people whose insomnia and other sleep problems are related to stress and anxiety. One of jujube's greatest benefits is its ability to calm the mind, quiet neural activity, and help induce and maintain sleep. Scientific studies show that jujube extends sleep time in mice. Both flavonoids and saponins, bioactive compounds found in jujube, have also been shown to increase sleep time . Other research indicates that one of the flavonoids in jujube may increase the time spent in slow-wave sleep and REM sleep, the two most restorative stages of sleep.

    For anxiety and stress . For many people, sleep problems and anxiety go hand in hand. The same bioactive compounds in jujube that help improve sleep can also relieve anxiety , with or without sleep problems. Jujube's effects on GABA and serotonin, two important neurotransmitters for mood and relaxation, are sources of the plant's anti-anxiety powers.

    For healthy digestion. Jujube has been used for thousands of years to treat gastrointestinal problems, including bloating, stomach pain, and constipation. Research shows that jujube can reduce gastric acid and also help protect and treat stomach ulcers. Research also shows that jujube is very effective in improving chronic constipation.

    For metabolic health. Jujube may be effective in lowering blood sugar , making it a potentially useful natural therapy to protect against and treat diabetes and other blood sugar-related disorders, such as metabolic syndrome. Research has also identified jujube as having anti-obesity effects , with the ability to inhibit the accumulation of fat in the body.

    For heart health. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory abilities of jujube can provide extensive benefits and protections to the heart and cardiovascular system. The saponins found in jujube can help lower cholesterol. In scientific research, jujube has been shown to increase levels of healthy HDL cholesterol without increasing "bad" LDL cholesterol. Studies have also shown that jujube is capable of lowering triglyceride levels and C-reactive protein concentrations. Jujube may offer protection against atherosclerosis , the buildup of substances in the arteries that impairs healthy blood flow.

    For brain protection. Research shows that jujube may offer a number of protective benefits for the brain , including protecting nerve cells from damage and deterioration, helping to repair memory and enhance learning , and guarding against cognitive decline . New research indicates that jujube may block dysfunctional activity in the brain that is a cause of Alzheimer's disease.

    For immune health. Jujube is recognized as a potential strong supporter of the immune system, reducing inflammation and oxidative stress that weaken immune function and make us more vulnerable to disease. Several of the compounds naturally found in jujube, including saponins, flavonoids, and polysaccharides, have been identified as the agents behind jujube's immune support.

    For protection against cancer. There is great scientific interest in jujube's cancer-fighting properties . Many of the bioactive compounds found in jujube, including saponins, flavonoids, antioxidants, polysaccharides, and triterpenoids, have been shown to have the ability to slow growth and kill some types of cancer cells . Increasingly, scientists are examining jujube as a possible preventative therapy and treatment for cancer.

    Possible disadvantages

    For most people, jujube fruit is safe to eat.

    However, if you are taking the antidepressant medication venlafaxine or other serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSNRIs), you should avoid jujube, as it may interact with these medications.

    Additionally, a mouse study found that the fruit extract may strengthen the effects of certain anti-seizure medications, including phenytoin, phenobarbitone, and carbamazepine.

    If you're taking any of these medications, you may want to discuss any potential concerns with your health care provider before adding jujube fruit to your diet.

    The following people should consult with a doctor before using a jujube supplement:

    • Pregnant or lactating women.
    • People with diabetes . Jujube can lower blood sugar. People with diabetes or blood sugar problems should check with their doctor before using jujube.
    • People with allergies to latex . If you are allergic to latex, you may also be allergic to jujube. People with a latex allergy should avoid using jujube.
    • Surgery patients . Jujube's effect on blood sugar may impair blood sugar control during and also after surgery. Jujube can also slow down the body's central nervous system, as can anesthesia and other medications used in surgery. It is recommended that people stop using jujube at least two weeks before planned surgery.


    Jujube fruits are small and sweet. Dried, they have a chewy texture and a flavor similar to dates.

    When raw, these fruits have a sweet, apple-like flavor and can be eaten as a nutritious snack.

    Dried jujubes are also commonly sold for use in desserts or eaten on their own as sweets, especially in Asia. Still, keep in mind that dried fruit has more calories than fresh. Also, they are a concentrated source of sugar, so you should limit them in your diet.

    To buy


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    Isaura Maria Novaes

    Isaura Maria Novaes

    Agradeço a informação. JÁ Ia comprar ,sou diabético, hipertensa, uso medicamentos psiquiátricos, então foi ótimo, pois vou consultar profissionais que me atendem antes de comprar.Grata.

    Carlos Osorto

    Carlos Osorto

    Excelente información sobre el JUJUBE. Felicitaciones.

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