Sale price€4,75 Regular price€5,70
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Dakbokkeumtang Korean Spicy Braised Chicken Sauce 270grs

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Oxana Hitruc
La mejor salsa para marinar

La salsa está riquísima...La mejor que he probado para marinar pollo

Product Details:

This sauce is the perfect ingredient to make Dak-Bokkeum-Tang Yangnyeum at home.

A traditional Korean dish now made easy.

Dak-Bokkeum-Tang Yangnyeum is a traditional Korean dish made by boiling chicken pieces with other spices and vegetables. Simply combine brown and cook as many ingredients as you like, such as chicken, onions, kimchi, and carrots, and braise in this sauce with a little water, and you're on your way to a delicious meal. How to use Ingredients: - 1 kg of chicken, 240 g of marinade, 550 ml of water, 1 potato, half a carrot, 1 onion, 1 large * Chicken washed lightly in cold water, boil with water and sauce. *If it starts to boil, reduce heat to medium, boil for about 20 minutes, then add the potatoes, carrots, onions, and green onion for 20 minutes. Cooking Suggestions * Chicken fried rice, chicken ribs, chicken meat soup, chicken toppokki, etc.

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