Canned Vegetables and Fruits

Pickled Green Chili, Chopped Lettuce, Chopped or Stripped Bamboo, Lychees or Guava in Syrup, etc. Canned vegetables and fruits? This is the section of oriental and Japanese food products that you were looking for.


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69 products

- 17%
Lichis en Almíbar 567g
Lychees in Syrup 567g Sale price€4,65 Regular price€5,60
- 17%
Longan en Almíbar 567g
Longan in Syrup 567g Sale price€7,60 Regular price€9,15
Sold out- 17%
Mango Pickles encurtido Indio 283grs | Aam Ka Achaar | Patak's
- 17%
Mango Rebanada en Almíbar 425grs
Mango Slice in Syrup 425grs | Aroy D | Thai Sale price€4,75 Regular price€5,70
- 17%
Mixto Pickles encurtido Indio 283grs | Patak's
Mixed Indian Pickled Pickles 283grs | Patak's Sale price€5,70 Regular price€6,85
- 17%
Nabo Takuan amarillo Japones 500g
Japanese Yellow Takuan Turnip 500g Sale price€2,90 Regular price€3,50
- 17%
Papaya en Conserva Tailandés 565g
Thai Canned Papaya 565g Sale price€4,00 Regular price€4,80
- 17%
Pasta de curry extra Picante | Indio 283grs | Patak's
Extra Spicy Curry Paste | Indian 283grs | Patak's Sale price€5,70 Regular price€6,85
- 17%
Pasta de frijol rojo coreano 470grs | Surasang
Korean red bean paste 470grs | Surasang Sale price€5,55 Regular price€6,70
- 17%
Raíz de Loto en Conserva 1KG | OXY
Canned Lotus Root 1KG | OXY Sale price€7,40 Regular price€8,90
- 17%
Rambután con piña en Conserva Tailandés 565g
Thai Canned Rambutan with Pineapple 565g Sale price€7,60 Regular price€9,15
- 17%
Rebanadas de brotes de bambú para Hotpot 500grs
Bamboo shoot slices for hotpot 500grs Sale price€7,60 Regular price€9,15
- 17%
Rodajas de Bambú Ácido 454 g - OneSupermarket
Acid Bamboo Slices 454 g Sale price€6,65 Regular price€8,00
- 17%
Seta chino en conserva 425grs
Canned Chinese mushroom 425grs | Mode Sale price€2,85 Regular price€3,45
Sold out- 17%
Shibazuke Japonés 180g
Japanese Shibazuke 180g Sale price€3,80 Regular price€4,60
- 17%
Tiras de brotes de bambú 425grs | Aroy D
Strips of bamboo shoots 425grs | Aroy D Sale price€2,85 Regular price€3,45
- 17%
Tofu encurtido grande 340g - OneSupermarket
Large pickled tofu 340g Sale price€5,60 Regular price€6,75
- 17%
Tofu encurtido Picante 340g - OneSupermarket
Spicy Pickled Tofu 340g Sale price€3,80 Regular price€4,60
- 17%
Tofu fermentado con Aceite de chile 260g | Laoganma
Fermented Tofu with Chili Oil 260g | Laoganma Sale price€4,75 Regular price€5,70
- 17%
Tofu maloliente en escabeche 330g - OneSupermarket
Pickled smelly tofu 330g Sale price€5,00 Regular price€6,00
- 17%
Yaca en Conserva Jackfruit Tailandés 565g
Canned Jackfruit Thai Jackfruit 565g Sale price€5,70 Regular price€6,85